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Help you walk out of a profession to develop bottleneck

After working for some time, produce a kind of bewilderment, be in position of a bottleneck, want to promote oneself enterprise further, very difficult however, this is the problem that everybody can encounter almost. Manpower resource expert suggests, people should be brave in to break the encounter bottleneck in professional career at this moment, undertake planning afresh to oneself professional career, choose a job that suits oneself truly.

Case one

The university graduates, wen Hao pursues the job of business management respect. Arrive from little known young staff member now working hotshot of the branch, also have 5, 6 years of time. Him present, more important is the development space that extends a career hard. However weal and woe dwells together, he of do a job with skill and ease of responsible general affairs faces company rising segment to have a headache however unceasingly. On the way that develops in the career, he feels exhaustion and affect working enthusiasm, it seems that professional development had arrived bottleneck phase, how to also go up not to go, how to develop toward next level to oneself already confused have bit of ability not equal to one's ambition again. The competition ability that how can just make oneself still keep strong, how does ability have farther promotion quite, oneself next where is development direction after all... this kind of increasingly intense competition pressure and to his be in the society of change quickly the position is mixed cannot hold what develop way, make he produced sharp professional crisis move.

Case 2

After A benefit university graduates, come to Shanghai alone, work of research and development is done in the communication company of a civilian battalion. But worked large half an year, lost however at the outset lofty sentiments lofty ideal. A benefit feels the enterprise now does research and development to although have constant pressure,work, but the enterprising drive that still can develop oneself very quite. Look nevertheless from professional disposition, he feels he suits to do the work with choppy strong sex more, to present job so content feels dissatisfaction is sufficient in the heart, always feel the job too too onefold, without the future, look in A benefit, the company does not have any grooming basically, the division apprentice face that relies on a tradition completely gives way, and it is good to be done not quite in group efforts respect as a result of A benefit, disposition and master are on bad terms, had arrived it seems that bottle strong level. Occasionally mood one low can produce go meaning, think transition goes doing other be afraid of again temporarily impulse did a decision to be able to regret in the future. So, be going is to stay to perplexing him all the time.
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